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Starter code for the Duke project

User Guide

Brief Description

Ronaldo is a personal task manager in the form of a chatbot. Simply key in the command and your task. It’s that easy!



You can get help from Ronaldo so as to familiarise familiarise yourself with the chatbot.


You can add ToDo, Event, or Deadline tasks to your list.


You can display all the tasks in your list.


You can mark the tasks in your list as completed.


You can delete the task once you have completed it.

Save and Exit

You can save the tasks and exit the program.


help : lists out all the commands

help displays all the available commands

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

1. help - lists out available commands
2. list - lists out all the tasks
3. todo <task name> - adds a ToDo task
4. event <task name> /by <event date: YYYY-MM-DD> - adds an Event task
5. deadline <task name> /by <event date: YYYY-MM-DD> - adds a Deadline task
6. done <task number> - marks indicated task as complete
7. delete <task number> - deletes the indicated task
8. find <keyword> - searches for tasks with <keyword>
9. bye - saves and closes the program

Example: help

todo : adds a Todo task

todo [description] adds a Todo task

Example of usage:

todo buy bottle

Expected outcome:

I have added [T][ incomplete ] buy bottle
You now have 1 tasks!

Example: todo

event : adds a Event task

event [description] /by [YYYY-MM-DD] adds an Event task

Example of usage:

event olympics /by 2020-06-01

Expected outcome:

I have added [E][ incomplete] olympics (by: Jun 1 2020)
You now have 2 tasks!

Example: event

deadline : adds a Deadline task

deadline [description] /by [YYYY-MM-DD] adds a Deadline task

Example of usage:

deadline finish assignment /by 2020-03-01

Expected outcome:

I have added [D][ incomplete] finish assignment (by: Mar 1 2020)
You now have 3 tasks!

Example: deadline

list : lists out all the tasks

list displays all the current tasks in the list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1.[T][ incomplete ] buy bottle
2.[E][ incomplete] olympics (by: Jun 1 2020)
3.[D][ incomplete] finish assignment (by: Mar 1 2020)

Example: list

done : marks indicated task as complete

done [index] marks the task at index as complete

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

I have marked 1.[T][  complete  ] buy bottle as done!
You now have 3 tasks left!

Example: done

delete : deletes the indicated task

delete [index] removes the task at index from the list

Example of usage:

delete 1

Expected outcome:

I have deleted 1.[T][  complete  ] buy bottle
You now have 2 tasks remaining!

Example: delete

find : searches through the list for the keyword

find [keyword] displays all the tasks with the keyword

Example of usage:

find olympics

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1.[E][ incomplete] olympics (by: Jun 1 2020)

Example: find

bye : saves and exits

bye saves and exits the program

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

Example: bye


Credit to @j-lum (Jeffry Lum) for the FXML and Java files for JAVAFX GUI.

Credit to MintBerryCrunch for the code that creates a new thread to display the bye message and terminating the program.

Credit to Ernest Friedman-Hill for the code to redirect console output to string in Java.

Credit to for the Ronaldo image.

Credit to for the Messi image.